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Sharing Student

... Sunday School ...

On hold until further notice.

Sheet Music for Piano

... Music ...

In our Church services we sing traditional hymns of faith accompanied by a piano.

Route Planning

... Missionaries ...

We believe that missionaries are an important part of obeying the great commission. The Church supports mission families in Japan, Zambia, Spain, Argentina and the Philippines.


... Library ...

The Church maintains a functional library catering for all ages, containing books, magazines, audio cassettes, videos and DVDs. Topics include theology, church history, Bible handbooks, missions, counselling, leadership and Christian living.

Children's Toys

... Cry Room ...

A sound proof ‘cry room’ for young children from which parents can view and hear the Church Service is available. There is also a separate baby changing facility available.


... Ladies Fellowship ...

The Ladies Fellowship meets at 10.00 am on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month for Bible study, lunch and fellowship.  Enquiries 0420 721 212

Student Membership

... Youth Night ...

Coming soon, to be advised.

Teens & Library

...  Kid's Club ...

Kid's Club is designed for primary age children, and includes fun games, singing, stimulating stories from the Bible.  Kid's Club is held during school term.  To be advised.

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